Orange You Excited About This Colour Trend?

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By no means am I calling orange out as the latest colour trend – it’s been lurking around street corners for the most part of last year. Way back in 2017, fashion saw a rust-hued takeover, but now we’re talking hi-vis, citrus-fruit orange. It’s vibrant, bullish and loud; the colour equivalent of stomping feet and waving arms, saying yes, I am here: pay attention to me.

From what I’ve seen in Sydney, this colour has become a favourite of the inner-west crowd. Think the type of people you’d see at Freda’s past midnight. Think girls in vibrant orange band-merch shirts or in teeny tiny orange slip dresses paired with chunky docs.

Now I’m the first to say bright orange is not a colour I’d see myself in – but, it’s surprisingly easy (and fun) to slip into your wardrobe. Start with an over-sized orange sweater worn over loose blue denim and white boots. Add a matching orange beanie for an extra punch in winter. In the warmer months, think a patent orange mini skirt, reminiscent of Dionne Davenport. Make it modern by wearing it with an over-sized white tee. An optimistic orange coat promises joy in the colder months to come (but you can sit on that advice for now – it’s still summer baby.)